Meeting of Notre Dame Congregations with common roots
In Zagreb, May 26 to 29, 2016, there was a meeting of Congregations of Notre Dame of the same roots. At the meeting participated general superiors of seven...
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Meeting of Notre Dame Congregations with common roots

In Zagreb, May 26 to 29, 2016, there was a meeting of Congregations of Notre Dame of the same roots. At the meeting participated general superiors of seven congregations. Independent congregations, all of whom can trace their origins to Peter Fourier and Alix Le Clerc, have met every two or three years since 1983, with the last meeting held in Bratislava in May 2013. These Notre Dame “cousins” have elements of their charism that have been identified as common to all or most of these congregations, including education, poverty, unity, devotion to Mary and Eucharist.
Throughout history there have been separations and establishment of new congregations whose members work in various parts of the world with a common mission: to change the world by education.
Meetings are, since 1982, held every three years in the organization of individual congregations. This year's meeting was hosted by Congregation of Our Lady with headquarters in Zagreb, Primorska 20.
The meeting took place at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Institute in Zagreb, Kaptol 29a. The first day was dedicated to the presentation of the current situation in each congregation based on the number of members, structures, methods and areas of activity. First day of the meeting Mass was celebrated in the chapel of the Seminary by Auxiliary Bishop Ivan Sasko who was an envoy of the Archbishop of Zagreb.
In the morning of the second day participants, joined by Sisters of Our Lady from Croatia, took a pilgrimage to marian national shrine in Marija Bistrica. In the afternoon fr Dalibor Renić, Jesuit, gave a lecture on the topic: Intergenerational community in religious life.
On Saturday night was a prayer meeting in the Generalate in Primorska 20 in Zagreb during which the choir Collegium pro musica Sacra, under the artistic direction of Sr Cecilia Pleša, performed several Marian hymns and antiphons. Some of the pieces were followed on the harp by harpist Mirta Lice who who performed some solo compositions.
The last day, Sunday, 29 5, the participants of the Meeting stayed in convent on Bukovačka 316. Upon completion of the working part, with the local community they participated in the Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr Dalibor Renić.
The guests have returned to their countries and communities joyful as during their first visit to Croatia, they met not only the leadership but also a large part of the Croatian congregation Sisters of Our Lady. They were impressed by the hospitality as well as the entire contents of the Meeting.